The Holy Family Council of Catholic Women are active Holy Family Parish women's organizations, and both are members of the National Council of Catholic Women (NCCW), the Saginaw Diocesan CCW, and the East Region CCW. Women from each Church of Holy Family Parish are invited and encouraged to become active in either organization.
The goal of these women's groups is to service our brothers and sisters in the Parish and in the broader world through charitable works. Another focus for these women is to financially assist the Parish.
We invite the women from Holy Family Parish to become involved in these groups to grow in spirituality, leadership, and service.
Meetings for Sandusky & Marlette Groups are: April, May, June, September, October & November. Welcome!
Funeral luncheons
Annual rummage sale: supports the Community Baby Shower, Christmas support for a local family, gives Bibles to the Senior students, financial donation to Right to Life, etc.
Sewing project making pillowcase dresses for little girls in Africa
Sewing project making flannel tops for breast cancer chemo patients
Cereal collection for Eastern Michigan Food Bank Backpack Project
Father's Day breakfast
Money raffle
Greeting card design contest & sales
Christmas charitable monetary donations (Right to Life, Hospice, Emmaus House, Marlette Regional Hospital, etc).
Contact Vivian Janes at 989-635-7798 for more information.